Pitkään aikaan en ole julkaissut mitään kun ei kokeilta kerkeä. Ystäväni käänsi "Mikä meni pieleen?" -tekstini englanniksi ja lähetti ystävälleen Ruotsiin. Kiitos Sonjalle kovin paljon, tuntuu kivalta kun joku muukin kuin suomalainen tykkää teksteistäni. ^^

Tämän novellin kaltaisen pätkän suhteen haluan sanoa, etten itse tiennyt lainkaan, kumpaa sukupuolta kaksikko ovat. Tiesin vain sen, että he ovat samaa sukupuolta keskenään. On todella kummallista, miten ihmiset mieltävät kaiken niin erilailla.

Tässä siis teksti Sonjan kääntämänä:

What went wrong?

They were sitting quietly in a table, opposite to each other. Their eyes glowed with emptiness and their feet were beating the floor with the tempo of the music.
"I'll have to talk, because without words there will be no conclusion."
"Who would charge the conclusion, anyway?"
"You and me would, even though you can't believe it."
Silence. The other one hawked ans sobbed, eddying in a nasty flu. The other one was gloom, faceless. Black eyes were struggling, dividing the world around to pieces, ripping it, squeezing it, smashing.

You look like a fucking puff."
"I was going to say..."
"Um... what?"
"That I am a terribly failed heterosexual."
"What a shitty joke."
"Believe what you want."
She get's up, pulls on her overcoat and spits into her coffee mug.
"That tastes goddamn awful."
"Don't drink it black."
"I fucking drink it black. You got some issues with your attitude. Fix them."
Laughter, again. The other one was so selfish, barely brave enough to pee while standing.
The door clang. The wind beat the face so aggressively that for a small moment, she wanted to go back inside.
Oh fuck it, the hair's a mess anyway.
She counted her money. Three euros, forty cents. The purse was bright and transparent, flattening the mood. In a twisted way, she took pleasure from the wreckedness of everything.
"Hey faggot, you wanna go for a beer?"
"I just can't get rid of you, can I?"
She sat on the pavement. All is fine, she convinced herself.